Google Keyword Explorer

The keyword research tool that helps you explore thousands of profitable keywords using Google's APIs

Smart marketers use Keyword Explorer to explore topics and find hidden long-tail keywords within them. Our tool uses Google's auto-suggest APIs to harvest a list of the top keywords for your business.


Knowing how often Google searches are done will change which keywords you target

Keyword Explorer use a third-party API to give you accurate volumes via Google Keyword Planner for the total number of searches done ever month for every keyword that it suggests to you. Use volume data to compare between keywords to quickly find and sort through thousands and find the ones you should focus on.

Google search volume

SEO Gurus, Google Adwords Experts, and Content Creators use Keyword Explorer

Before starting any marketing related work, they use Keyword Explorer for researching terms. All Marketing relates jobs need to necessarily start with audience keyword research.

How SEO Gurus, Google Ad Experts, and Content Writers use Keyword Explorer

Google Adword Gurus

Google Ad experts need the CPC & competition numbers to find the best ROI search terms. They use Keyword Explorer to optimize their client's budget and make/save them much money.

Google Ad Experts

SEO Content Writers

The best content topics are the ones that are searched for the most, and can therefore bring the most organic traffic to your website. Long-tail keywords are used to optimize content for crazy amounts of long-tail traffic.

Content Writers